DCISolver.jl published in JOSS

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Last December, we submitted a paper to the Journal of Open Source Software related to the package DCISolver.jl and it is now published!

It is not the first time I submit a paper to a fair open-source journal, and this one is extremely enjoyable. As one can read from the journal’s website

The Journal of Open Source Software is a developer friendly, open-access journal for research software packages.

It is designed to publish papers on packages. The process is entirely on Github, where the editors and reviewers are engaging in a discussion. For instance, following one of the reviewer’s suggestions, we added a tutorial with a binder link so you can run it online, package’s documentation. The tutorial shows a comparison with Ipopt on a distributed Poisson control problem with Dirichlet boundary conditions (Spoiler alert: DCI is doing great). Overall, I loved the process and I am already engaged in a review for this journal. The review is clarified by a todo-list of things that needs to be checked.

This package uses a matrix-free feasibility process, but the tangent step still relies on an SQD matrix factorization using HSL or LDLFactorizations. It is now the obvious next step to make this solver fully matrix-free, see issue 85.