Summer 2020 Publications

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Two publications have been accepted this summer: On approximate stationary points of the regularized mathematical program with complementarity constraints in JOTA and The new butterfly relaxation method for mathematical programs with complementarity constraints in the proceedings of the Indo-French seminar. These works are the theoretical basis toward the computation of M-stationary points of the MPCC. I also continue to update the Julia:

  • MPCC.jl Set of tools to model the mathematical program with complementarity/switching/vanishing constraints following the NLPModels structure and with basic tools to use the Stopping framework.
  • MPCCSolver.jl A set of algorithms to solve the models from MPCC.jl.

I also had the pleasure to present A differential inclusion approach to mineral precipitation-dissolution reactions in geochemistry in collaboration with Jocelyne Erhel and Bastien Hamlat in the online Workshop Variational Methods in Nonlinear Phenomena. This work is part of Bastien’s Ph.D. thesis that he successfully defended this month, Congrats!!!